New Location! STEM Kids New Jersey Has Launched!
STEM Courses for All!
Dream It. Code It. Make it.

Comprehensive Educational Programs Focused on STEM
STEM Kids NYC is an education nonprofit in New York, NY that offers Pre-K to 12 programs under science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Our organization aims to connect the current curriculum in schools and the urgent need for these institutions to prepare students for future STEM opportunities and for jobs that do not yet exist.
What We Do
To schools, community organizations, and parents, we’re the immediate solution that helps prepare their students for future careers and endeavors in STEM. Our nonprofit conducts after-school, summer camp, and weekend programs where participants receive lessons on science, engineering, coding, and other related areas.
Reach Out to Us
We would love to hear from you! To learn additional details about the activities and services we offer, please get in touch with us.